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Updated: Jun 22, 2024

We’d love you to take part in our young people’s competition for 2023!

To celebrate the upcoming Wigan Pride on 12th August, we are asking young people from across the borough to take part in a competition to design a T-Shirt for this year’s event.

We’re looking for drawings that capture the spirit of Wigan Pride, which is all about celebrating difference and diversity, being positive, welcoming everyone, and encouraging everyone to believe in themselves and be proud of who they are!

Entries should be emailed to

Or alternatively posted or delivered to:

Wigan Pride T-Shirt Competition,

PR Team, Wigan Council

Wigan Town Hall,

Hewlett Street,


Entries can be designed by hand using pens, pencils, and paper or designed on a computer.

Competition deadline: End of Friday 30th June 2023

Here are a few facts about Pride and equality to think about before you get started on your T-Shirt design:

  • As well as being a big celebration, Pride is also a protest.

  • The first ever Pride event was a march to mark one year since the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York. The uprising started in a bar called Stonewall and happened in response to consistent harassment of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • The Stonewall Uprising inspired many other protests and campaigns that led to more equality for the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Pride events help to remind people that equality for the LGBTQ+ community and many other communities has been hard won and that there are still things to fight for today.

  • Sadly, people across the world are still attacked and bullied because of who they are. How do we encourage everyone to be kinder to each other?

  • Some famous LGBTQ+ writers from history include Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Tennessee Williams, TS Eliot, Rita Mae Brown, and Sylvia Plath.

  • Transgender people were granted employment rights in the UK in 1999, meaning that they cannot be discriminated against in the workplace because of their gender identity. In 2003, these laws included sexual orientation meaning that people cannot be discriminated at work due to their sexuality.

  • 2000 marked the year in which LGBT people were legally allowed to serve in the British Armed Forces.

  • In 2005, civil partnerships were introduced across the UK giving gay couples access to similar rights to marriage as heterosexual couples. In 2014, full marriage equality was introduced for homosexual couples.

  • In 2005, it became an official hate crime in UK to insult or attack someone because of their sexual orientation.

  • In 2012, it became a hate crime in England to insult or attack someone because they are transgender.

  • It is also a crime to discriminate against someone because of their disability, race, or religion.

  • Greater Manchester Police became the first police force to also record attacks on members of cultural groups such as goths and emos as hate crimes. This followed the murder of 20-year-old goth Sophie Lancaster in 2007.

  • One in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident in the last 12 months (YouGov poll).

  • Two in five trans people have experienced a hate crime in the last 12 months (YouGov poll).

  • There are 1.5 million LGBTQ+ adults living in the UK (2021 census).

  • The colours in the trans flag are pink, blue, and white.

  • The rainbow flag represents the whole of the LGBTQ+ community.

Be creative! And let your voice be heard. We can’t wait to see your T-Shirt designs.

Terms and Conditions

Drawings should capture the spirit of Wigan Pride and communicate an important message about equality.

They can be designed by hand or on a computer.

They can be emailed to or posted or delivered to: Wigan Pride T-Shirt Competition,

PR Team, Wigan Council

Wigan Town Hall,

Hewlett Street,


The competition closes on Friday 30th June 2023.

The competition is open to anyone aged 17 or under.

Entries should be accompanied by the designer’s name, age, and school/college.

Entrants can also accompany their drawing with a short note explaining the influences and ideas behind the drawing if they wish to.

The drawings will be shortlisted by the Wigan Pride communications group and the winning drawing will be chosen by democratic vote at the Wigan Pride Committee.

The winning drawing will be used to inspire a design of this year’s Wigan Pride T-Shirt. The winner will receive a T-shirt featuring a design inspired

by their work. They will also be invited to come on stage at Wigan Pride 2023 to be congratulated by the Wigan Pride crowd.

If we have lots of entries, we may also choose some runners up, to be presented with certificates.

Data Protection Statement

The information which you give when entering this competition will only be used for the purposes of this competition and will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and conforms to the GDPR.

If you are the competition winner or a runner up, we will additionally ask for your parent’s/ carer’s consent to publish your first name, age, and school and in a media release to local and regional media and on Wigan Council’s and Wigan Pride’s social media channels. We will also ask your parent’s / carer’s consent to take and use your photograph for use in local press and on social media.

If you do not win the competition and are not a runner up, no information that would identify you as an individual will be published. The information will be kept securely and will be kept no longer than necessary.


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